You are viewing the results for Vintercupen 2019. View the current results for Vintercupen 2020 here.

Älvsjö AIK FF

Älvsjö AIK FF was one of 48 clubs from Sweden that had teams playing during Vintercupen 2019. They participated with three teams in P06-Lätt/Medel and P06-Svår/Extra Svår respectively. The team in P06-Svår/Extra Svår made it to the the Semi final in Slutspel, but lost it against IFK Lidingö FK A1:1 by 1-3.

Älvsjö AIK comes from Älvsjö which lies approximately 15 km from Djursholm, where Vintercupen takes place. The area around Älvsjö does also provide 45 additional clubs participating during Vintercupen 2019 (Among others: Vasastan BK, Vasalund Stadshagens IF, Bällsta FF, Saltsjöbadens IF, Nacka FC, Vendelsö IK, Enskede IK, IFK Tumba FK, AIK FF and FC Djursholm 2).

15 games played


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